Changing healthcare
Changing expectations
Changing lives
Change Through Music
Community Programs
Collaborations with community partners are an important part of what we do at Modulations Therapies. With their support, we are able to bring a variety of creative and beneficial programs to people of all ages and income levels.

Current Offerings
Our community programs running in Fall 2024 include:​
​Music Buddies Intergenerational Music Group
Join preschoolers from Kids Corner Early Childhood Center at Malvern Belmont Estates on Tuesdays at 10am for an intergenerational music group. Seniors, community members, and children come together for 30 minutes of music, play, and learning. No musical experience needed. For more information contact Carla.
Early Childhood Music Group at MDNS
We are very excited to be offering an early childhood music program in partnership with the Mount Desert Nursery School in Northeast Harbor. The group targets children ages 2-4 and will run on Fridays from 10-10:30am between Oct 4 and Nov 22, 2024. Registration is required, donations appreciated.
Reserve your spot by emailing: MountDesertNurserySchool@gmail.com
Previous Programs:
Music Buddies Intergenerational Group
Song-Writing as Self-Expression During the Pandemic
LiveWell Online Wellness Group
Tuesday Tunes with the Bangor Public Library